Our Sustainable Journey: Becoming a Carbon Neutral Company

April 3, 2024
Cellcycle's carbon neutral image
We’re thrilled to announce a landmark achievement in our sustainability journey—Cellcycle has officially become carbon neutral! This significant milestone marks the culmination of dedicated efforts and strategic planning, underscored by our unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship and corporate responsibility.

Our journey to carbon neutrality was realised in partnership with Carbon Neutral Britain, a leading force in climate change solutions. Through this collaboration, we have successfully offset 153.20 tonnes of carbon emissions. This achievement not only represents our dedication to combating climate change but also sets a new standard for environmental responsibility in our industry.

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A Path of Transparency and Responsibility

Understanding that true sustainability requires both awareness and action, we embarked on this journey with a clear roadmap. The first step involved producing a detailed emissions report, providing us with a transparent overview of our carbon footprint. This critical analysis allowed us to identify and quantify our main sources of carbon emissions, laying the groundwork for our subsequent strategies.

Following the emissions report, we developed a comprehensive Carbon Reduction Plan. This plan is not just a blueprint for offsetting our current carbon footprint but also a strategic approach to reducing it. Our goal is to transition from offsetting to actual reduction, ensuring a more sustainable and environmentally friendly operation.

Our Future Vision: Net Zero by 2035

Achieving carbon neutrality is a significant milestone, but it is just the beginning of our sustainability journey. Looking ahead, we are committed to further reducing our environmental impact, with the ambitious goal of becoming net zero by 2035. This long-term objective will involve continuous improvement, innovation, and the implementation of more sustainable practices across all levels of our operations.

We recognise that the path to net zero is challenging and requires a collective effort. Therefore, we are committed to engaging with our employees, customers, and partners to drive meaningful change. Our Carbon Reduction Plan outlines specific strategies and initiatives that will guide us towards this goal, emphasising energy efficiency, renewable energy use, waste reduction, and sustainable product development.

Stay tuned for updates on our progress and learn more about how you can be a part of this transformative journey by visiting our dedicated carbon neutral page here.

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